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Rally & Yachting

Since 2006, the Gstaad Yacht Club (GYC) in collaboration with the Gstaad Automobile Club (GAC) has organised an annual classic car rally, combining a car drive highlighting some of the most beautiful roads in Switzerland with remote-controlled model boat sailing.


The 19th GYC Rally & Yachting will take place August 8th and 9th 2025.

The event starts on Friday with the registration at the Gstaad Automobile Club in Feutersoey, followed by the nocturnal sailing challenge and dinner. Saturday will be a day of driving, finalized with the prize giving dinner in the evening. 

Save the Date HERE / Invitation and Registration Soon

Please RSVP with: [email protected] 

Was is the leap year or the vicinity of the Swiss National Day that attracted members and guests last weekend to the 18th edition of the classic GYC/ GAC Rally & Yachting ? The organisers can only guess. It is for sure that this event, organised every year on the 1st weekend of August by the Gstaad Yacht Club and its long-time partner, the Gstaad Automobile Club, marked a record high of 42 registered vehicles, ranging from modern to classic cars impeccably maintained in top-notch condition led by an almost Centenarian Bentley from 1926.

Press Release in English Here